AmbiView Advisors employs a “bottom-up” stock-selection approach based on research-intensive, in-depth fundamental analysis. This analysis includes detailed research of accounting practices, review of SEC filings, press releases and meeting transcripts; evaluating market sentiment; assessing industry-specific risks and opportunities; and conferring with management, industry participants, industry consultants, and other third parties.
AmbiView Advisors focuses on companies with market capitalizations of $2 billion to $20 billion that exhibit significant liquidity. AmbiView Advisors’ primary methods of analysis are value-oriented and opportunistic, employing fundamental research and analysis to identify investments that are undervalued or, in the case of short positions, overvalued by the marketplace, and to identify proper entry and exit points.
AmbiView Advisors believes that identifying catalysts is a critical component of our approach. While consideration will be given to general macroeconomic conditions, AmbiView Advisors believes that fundamental, research-intensive security selection process is critical to achieving superior investment results.
AmbiView Advisors may recommend securities of companies in one or more industries or sectors, which may vary from time to time in the discretion of AmbiView Advisors, taking into consideration market conditions and other factors deemed relevant. AmbiView Advisors’ recommendations will consist of long positions in securities of companies which, in AmbiView Advisors’ view, have outstanding investment characteristics, and short positions in securities of companies with characteristics indicating, in AmbiView Advisors’ view, underlying fundamental problems.